A life rooted in growth.

About Kaylen

Kaylen (she/her) is a certified Birth & Postpartum Doula, Death Doula, Lactation Counselor, adult/infant CPR certified, CPI certified and formally trained in various rearing philosophies.

Kaylen has practiced in the USA, Mexico, Italy, France and various other countries accumulating knowledge and experience in her field. Her first hand experiences have allowed her to cultivate a perspective that weaves ancient traditions together with a modern evidence based approach to birth, and postpartum. Her work strives to empower women and families through education from preconception to parenting.

As a birth doula, she believes in an empowered birthing experience and supporting each family in dictating what that means for them. She supports the process of birth by acting as a guide supporting families in bringing to life the birth they envision while supporting the sacred act of surrender in a safe space. Kaylen is certified with DONA International.

As a postpartum doula, she helps families prepare for a secure and nourishing postpartum period at home. Guiding families with postpartum nutrition, lactation support and sleep guidance that aligns to the desires of each family. Kaylen is certified with Birth Arts International.

As a death doula, she has experience supporting families through early miscarriage, late term loss, and infant death. She believes full spectrum work is vital to supporting communities as a whole and views the families she works with as an extension of her village.

Prior to devoting to full spectrum work, Kaylen studied Developmental Psychology focusing on neurodevelopment, and completed a Bachelor’s in Psychology with specialty focus on primary ages 0 to 5. She then went onto work with children in a clinical setting with moderate to severe special needs before branching off into Maternal Child Health to start her path to midwifery. Kaylen’s desire to learn more about how children grow through their primary years encouraged her to study various rearing philosophies such as RIE, Attachment Parenting, Montessori, Waldorf, etc. and spent years researching how they influenced the postpartum period.

Kaylen thrives in community and volunteers with the Letter Project, The MET, The Central Park Conservancy, the NYS Citywide Doula Initiative and CASA-NYC as a court appointed advocate for children in foster care. In her downtime, she loves cooking new fusions of Peruvian food, painting birth art, and training for marathons.

Empowered education from preconception to parenting.

  • “As first-time parents without family nearby, we decided to hire Kaylen for postpartum doula services. We searched for someone education-focused that could "teach us to be independent." Kaylen stood out through her full spectrum certification, background in developmental psychology, and experience working internationally and multiculturally. At our first call, she immediately imbued a sense of warmth and calmness that we would welcome into our home during an intimate and vulnerable phase…At each visit Kaylen would check-in on mom’s recovery..she then turned attention to our greatest concerns at the moment, including efficient breastfeeding and bottle feeding techniques, pumping guidance, and nipple care. She taught us how to use our gear properly (sanitizing, sizing flanges, sizing baby carriers…), and walked us through new skills (giving baths and soothing). It’s incredibly confidence boosting having an expert demonstrate each new skill in the context of our home, so we can replicate it on our own. During later visits, Kaylen pivoted to postpartum meal prep. The food was delicious and as she cooked I would give her general updates and casually ask her opinion on things I’m considering for the future such as travel logistics and childcare options. For any childrearing questions with multiple schools of thought, Kaylen would explain the pros/cons of each approach in a non-judge mental way, so we could make educated decisions for ourselves. We had a very smooth fourth trimester and hit our stride quickly, luck to sidestep many of the painful/anxious moments I hear from other moms. I credit much of this to Kaylen’s support!”

  • “I credit my positive birth experience to Kaylen. I can’t imagine my labor and postpartum period without her calm, wise guidance. She has such a special gift and calling, I feel grateful to have received her care..”

  • “Forever grateful to Kay! We wanted to work with a postpartum doula that had serious credentials from developmental psychology to a lactation certification and had worked with multicultural, and mixed-race families.  Kay is warm, generous, transparent, funny, calm, and insanely knowledgeable - all the qualities I felt my growing family needed to have around us as first-time parents on this crazy beautiful journey… I knew I was going to be induced and ended up having a C-section and having Kay made my recovery really smooth. She met us the day after we got home from the hospital and really helped with Mom’s recovery in ways the OBs these days just do not - from how to care for my incision, bring down the swelling in my body, hold the baby without causing pain, sitting to standing, and nourishing myself - I could go on! I also knew I was going to have a hard time producing milk and Kay helped me through that journey, teaching me different latching techniques, how to bump, etc, she helped through the tears and the hormones, and the pain when another day of no milk production - she was there without judgment when I finally made the decision to go all in on formula - Kay was all support, no judgment…she taught us a million things — the best bottle-feeding techniques, how to defrost and warm up donor breast milk, how to swaddle, and double swaddle, how to baby wrap in the solly, she fit each of our baby carriers, she taught us soothing techniques…Kay even helped us weigh the pros and cons of different types of childcare..she truly set us up to be confident parents in how we cared for our son and took a ton of anxiety out of the equation. You’d be lucky to have Kay on your team supporting your family…”

  • “Kaylen was a tremendous support. Her knowledge, advice, kindness, warmth, and ready sense of humor were invaluable as my partner and I navigated the end of my pregnancy, prepared for the birth, and then brought our baby home. I am forever grateful!”

  • A week after my baby was born, I found myself completely overwhelmed, exhausted, and undersupported. I reached out to Kaylen and am incredibly grateful that she fit me into a lucky opening in her overnight + daytime postpartum doula schedule. Before I was even a client of hers, she quickly and compassionately shared how she could help and advised me on how to line up additional help that made sense for my needs. She is a total professional, and it made all the difference to know that I could rely on support showing up when I needed it most. During our sessions, I appreciated that she didn't just execute support tasks when I asked for them; she also looked around, saw what needed doing, and seamlessly took care of it. She was also a great resource for all my baby questions, and I particularly appreciated her extensive expertise in baby development. Kaylen's professionalism, reliability, and expertise has been an extremely important part of my postpartum support, and I highly recommend working with her!

  • I can't imagine my birth and postpartum experience without Kaylen. She helped me feel calm, centered, and fully supported during labor. She was there for me with all my questions as a new mom in the several weeks following my baby's arrival. If I have another baby, I would work with Kaylen again in a heartbeat.

  • We had such a wonderful experience with Kay! She made my husband and I feel very comfortable after bringing home our son. She helped us set up a schedule, identify a tounge tie and teach us so many things along the way from swaddle techniques, new bottles and how to winterize my stroller. She is a great resource and highly recommend her to any other new families! We had such a wonderful experience with Kay! She made my husband and I feel very comfortable after bringing home our son. She helped us set up a schedule, identify a tounge tie and teach us so many things along the way from swaddle techniques, new bottles and how to winterize my stroller. She is a great resource and highly recommend her to any other new families!

  • “I started working with Kaylen when I was about 6 months pregnant. She was always so warm and kind and was able to answer any doubt or concern I had. She educated my husband and I on the beautiful act of birth. Her response time was always so quick even when she had other clients…On the night my contractions kicked in she was a phone call away and supporting us on the phone. She quickly made her way to our house the next morning and spent the entire day comforting me, cooking broth, running a bath, massaging my back. She was the reason I was able to spend such a big portion of my early labor at home, she was really a shining light in such an unknown environment. When the contractions got heavier we made our way to the hospital and Kaylen was right behind us…she spent almost 24 hours by our side in the hospital while I was in labor and never left. She was actively massaging me, helping me with breathing, making me laugh…I would not have had as positive of an experience without her…”

  • “During our first meeting, I knew Kaylen would perfectly match our needs…Kaylen is warm, knowledgeable, experienced…my husband and I were provided with many resources for prenatal learning and infant CPR courses. We gave health updates during our check-ins and began our birth plan process. It was essential for us to be as prepared as we can. When complications arose, we had Kaylen reassure us things would be okay; she immediately adjusted our postpartum services for a premature delivery. We are deeply grateful to have had Kaylen with us. Our son is healthy and growing. Having Kaylen as a doula made a huge difference, sometimes things happen that most people are not prepared for, but we were fortunately guided and ready to go. What could have been a traumatic birth experience became quite regular thanks to the support we had…she knows every aspect of the birth process from natural to Intervened birthing. We appreciated her range of knowledge and practices!”

  • “I was overjoyed when I recently found out that Kay was offering parent coaching sessions and immediately booked my first of what will be many. What I find most rewarding about working with Kay is when you speak with her she guides you to follow what feels harmonious for you. She is not going to push you into a parenting practice that does not feel right, but rather encourage you to nurture the relationships you have developed under the practices that come natural to you...”

  • “We were so grateful for Kay’s guidance with our twins. Anytime I had a question, she never hesitated to give me resources and to help me combat my never ending decision fatigue. Her support made it possible to have the experience I hoped for.”

  • “I can’t begin to tell how grateful I feel for having Kaylen as my doula. Her presence brings a sense of calm to birth that made all the difference in our experience! I tell everyone who’s expecting, you have to call Kaylen... “

  • We loved working with Kaylen! She was so helpful during my postpartum recovery. She taught us so much and was such a kind, warm, caring and calming presence. We were nervous first time parents and I was recovering from a c-section and she helped us feel confident in caring for our newborn son. She taught us so many useful things and provided practical information and guidance. She shared healthy recipes, was very helping with breastfeeding and taught me how to use a breast pump. She helped us get on a good sleep schedule, taught us how to swaddle (and double swaddle), helped us fit/adjust our baby carrier and taught us to tie a baby wrap... She also gave great advice on which baby products to buy and which we could skip. She was a great resource for our baby-related questions, and I appreciated her extensive expertise in baby development. I highly recommend working with her.

  • We loved Kay! She was so helpful with my birth and postpartum recovery. She provided so much support during pregnancy and answered all of my questions with great detail. Can not say enough great things about her!

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