A Nurturing Postpartum Experience

“The most difficult part of birth is the first year afterwards. It is the year of travail – when the soul of a woman must birth the mother inside her…”

Joy Kusek 

Postpartum support is crucial to helping mom heal and helping the family welcome it’s new member home. Postpartum support helps with a variety of needs and is easily tailored to each individual family. All services are customizable and packages are available. For birth clients, combo packages are optional for continuous support.

Lactation Support

Breastfeeding is a journey. For any long haul we must prepare, and this is no different. Together we will learn the basics of starting off your breastfeeding journey with the best support possible. This resource is also available for learning how to maintain an adequate breast milk supply, traveling while breastfeeding, storage, managing eco-friendly options and those unexpected breastfeeding surprises.

In-Person Postpartum Support Sessions

In-person postpartum sessions offer hands on support when you need it most. The postpartum period is vital for a woman’s recovery. The support for mom is the focal point while ensuring that mom and baby have the opportunity to bond. We will work on postpartum nutrition, infant care basics, hands-on education with breastfeeding as well as baby wearing and any questions you may have with a newborn.

Virtual Postpartum Support Sessions

For postpartum sessions we will review any number of topics surrounding postpartum nutrition, healing care, maternal recovery, questions surrounding infant care, gentle sleep shifting and all of those questions you want to ask your sister in the middle of the night. Virtual sessions are typically 1 to 2 hours in length but vary dependent on availability.