An Empowered Birthing Experience

“Birth is not only about making babies.  Birth is about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves

and know their inner strength.”

Sheryl Feldman

Roots of Love believes in an empowered birthing experience and each family dictates what that means for them. From crafting a birthing plan that aligns to the birth you envision (whether you are aiming for a low intervention, natural, or medicated birth), to preparing for the postpartum — I will help you create a sanctuary so you can fully surrender to the birthing process. After labor, I will help you transition to baby’s arrival helping with hands-on lactation support as well as a postpartum visit in the privacy of your own home. You will have a tribe behind you, as you adjust to the first few weeks of starting this new life.

To ensure we have a great connection an initial consultation is made to get a better sense of whether we would be a match. For consultations, please book through the form page.

Commonly asked questions:

What effects does the presence of a doula have on birth outcomes?

Countless clinical studies have found that the presence of a doula at birth tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications, reducing potentially negative feelings about the birthing experience. The presence of a doula is especially beneficial in situations with unplanned circumstances and reduces the need for Pitocin, forceps or vacuum extraction, requests for pain medication including epidurals, as well as incidents of unnecessary cesarean sections. When a doula is present during and after childbirth — women report greater satisfaction with their birth experience, making more positive assessments of their babies, fewer requests for medical interventions and less risk for postpartum depression.

What effects does the presence of a doula have on babies?

Studies show that babies born with a doula present tend to have shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries, breastfeed more easily and have more successful bonding with mothers during the postpartum period.

Does a doula make decisions on my behalf?

No. A doula does not make decisions for clients or intervene in any medical care. Doulas provide informational and emotional support, while respecting a woman’s decisions. Doulas only present information and support.

Will a doula make my partner feel unnecessary?

No, a doula is a support person to both mother and her partner, and plays a crucial role in helping a partner become more involved in the birth to the extent he/she/they feel most comfortable.

When should the doula arrive?

We will decide before hand upon a window of time that everyone is comfortable with. By week 38, I am considered on call in preparation to provide labor support.